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Winding Hole, Bridge 79C at the Dingle, Selly Oak, Birmingham, Worcester & Birmingham Canal

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From Date:12/06/2015 10:30
To Date:On-going
Type:Navigation Restriction
Reason:Structure failure
Is the towpath closed?No


The waterway wall directly opposite the winding hole is starting to fail and further wash from boat propellers using the winding hole will exacerbate the problem.  Therefore we are closing the winding hole and reducing the navigation by 1.5 metres to offer the wall some protection until remedial works are undertaken.

There is an alternative winding hole at Footbridge 84A, Birmingham University Footbridge.

Can boaters please approach with caution and remain in the centre of the channel

Closest waterway:Worcester & Birmingham Canal.
Starts at:Winding Hole
Ends at:Winding Hole
Upstream winding hole:Footbridge 84A, Birmingham University Footbridge