
Keep up to date on the latest adventures and musings from boaters blogs.

25 July 2024

Sweet Talking The Gates. 22nd July

NB Oleanna

*Milepost 52 to above Slapton Lock 30* Reluctant at first Tilly was allowed an hours shore leave whilst we had breakfast. I wonder if when we speed up our cruising again whether we’ll get complaints at not being allowed out

24 July 2024

Nineteen Narrow Locks now.

NB Holderness

We slept well, as predicted, but woke feeling fine. It was dull to wake up and there was a bit of mist about. About 0830 it started to spit a little but had stopped by the time we got underway

Longwood Boat Club

NB Harnser

Last night we are in The Finger Post, they were rushed off their feet and warned us it would be 30 minutes before our order went to the[[DSCF9533]][1] kitchen, actually it was a bit less. The Beef Rendang Curry was


NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

More bites to contend with! How do those midges get in? And unfortunately the loo light came on first thing this morning. Ian had to brave the onslaught to go and change it. He brought a load in with him

Marinas & Harbours In The UK


If you own a [vessel][1], you’ll understand the importance of finding great marinas and harbours boasting useful facilities, welcoming atmospheres and fantastic locations. Here, we explore some of the best marinas and harbours in the UK, from the largest and

Guide to Small Sailboats


Whether you’re new to sailing, looking for a fun [sailboat][1] for some leisure time or are seeking a starter sailboat for your child, you’ll find all the information you need in this small sailboat guide. From the benefits of small

Hoola Hoop Dreamies. 21st July

NB Oleanna

*Milepost 54 to milepost 52* ***Shore leave was granted, I didn’t want to smell their cooked breakfast anyway, I’d far rather find my own thanks. I did however make it back in time, 1 hour 15 to be exact, to

23 July 2024

Hot heading up Hatton.

NB Holderness

We got underway before 0930 and nobody passed us before heading off towards the Cape Locks. It had rained most of the night but stopped conveniently by about 0830. Seagull art just after we left as part of the graffiti

Did we see the scarce Great Yellow Bumbebee?

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

21st july The blighters get in through the smallest of cracks, and here were we thinking we had made MB completely midge proof! Two bites on my elbow, and we had even sprayed fly repellent before going to bed. ───────────────────────────

Pelsall, The Finger Post

NB Harnser

Last night there were some spectacular fireworks being set off straight across from where we were moored. Going out on deck to watch just as they were ending, before we came in we were surrounded by bats, I cant remember


The Sumpners Afloat

**8th to 22nd July – The Slough Arm and going home** Monday started sunny – a beautiful fresh morning, and we were up early to start our exploration of the Slough Arm. We didn’t get terribly far along the arm

The Guano Effect. 20th July

NB Oleanna

*Broughton Lock 14 to Halls Agricultural Bridge 129, Grand Union* Last night as the hatch was waterside we’d left it open with the mesh infill in it, to keep Tilly in but let some cooling air in hopefully. I’d also

22 July 2024

Down we go!

NB Holderness

Well we are back on the boat. after a full Sunday of grandchildren and cousins birthday party we set off down south for the boat. It too three hours but no real problems, just mile upon mile of 40 mph

I shall return, now who said that?

NB What A Lark

I thought I'd have a change of font. Ummm, we'll see. So David went out a biking this morning very early and reported back that there were a few spaces in Fradley. Now I wanted to go to Fradley because

Some paint goes on at last

NB Herbie

Who is that old bugger painting coach lines on Herbie? Oh, it's me. Yes after a number of false promises and false starts we've actually got a bit of new paint on. The coach lines really needed it. You can

Oh dear, slap my hand.

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

20th July I'm not sure if it's the longitude and latitude that Ian put in or the sat nav playing up, but once again the sat nav tried directing us back to Thurso. Thankfully this time we hadn't got too

Birchills Junction

NB Harnser

Last night was a full moon and was visible just before we went to bed even with all the street lighting, not so good on a photo. The moon is just to the right of the second street light to

Farewell Dexter

Narrowboat Life Unlocked

On Friday 12 July we said goodbye to our pal Dexter, he was a really gentle soul and we are honestly heartbroken. Dexter was nearly 17 and we have had him in our lives since he was a pup. He

Ronnie, Tinkerbell And The Queen. 19th July

NB Oleanna

*Aylesbury Basin to above Broughton Lock 14* A big pill after breakfast, hopefully the effect of it would kick in by the time I’d written the blog as there was someone I wanted to say hello to. **Fletch** Sat in

21 July 2024


NB Briar Rose

Yesterday evening we got absolutely soaked in a torrential downpour in Chester, so much so that we needed a complete change of clothes. Today was much better. We went and found a cafe for breakfast, settling on [Chalk Coffee][1] for

Rock profile. Lion or Gorilla

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

Last night the police turned up, they only stopped for a minute before driving off. 30 minutes later two boy racers raced up to the pier, stopped, revved engines making as much noise as possible. One stopped right in front

Wednesfield Junction

NB Harnser

We were away just after 9-30am. and it happened again, just getting ready to push off and along comes a boat behind us, so we slid out right behind him. There were a few canoeists out this morning but they

A Butty In Wycombe. 18th July

NB Oleanna

*Aylesbury Basin* A new boat sneaked in next to us last night. I’d heard what I thought might be an engine, but they were very quiet about mooring up. Still one space free. As we had breakfast the sun rose

20 July 2024

Autherley Junction

NB Harnser

A bit overcast this morning and cooler. A few boats had gone in each direction before we set off a little before 10. Not all the embankment protection stop planks have been replaced, this one was a short way before

Another staging post

NB Briar Rose

A drive up to Chester today, but we stopped off on the way, at Alrewas. The reason was to see Helen and Andy on [Wand’ring Bark][1] and the Jam Butty. It was really good to catch up with them, and

Queen Mothers house

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

Good grief! What on earth???? A convoy of very large Belgium motorhomes began to arrive. We became hemmed in by one reversing into a space next to us and another coming in to go bumper to bumper with it. More

The Butty's beginnings

Captain Ahab's Watery Tales

The Butty's Beginnings July 2024 Seeing people eyeing up the butty is something of an everyday event, and it's often a prelude to a jam sale, but today a couple appeared on the towpath paying particular attention to the stern.

The Butty's beginnings

Captain Ahab's Watery Tales

The Butty's Beginnings July 2024 Seeing people eyeing up the butty is something of an everyday event, and it's often a prelude to a jam sale, but today a couple appeared on the towpath paying particular attention to the stern.

Weed Wading. 17th July

NB Oleanna

*Wilstone Visitor Moorings to Aylesbury Basin* No morning shore leave for Tilly today, there’d also be no shore leave at lunchtime as we wanted to reach the end of the canal, we couldn’t risk someone getting a touch too busy

Normal service will be resumed soon!


This week’s blog is going to be late because we’re focused on the glorious family wedding of our youngest daughter and catching up with family and friends from across the globe as a result. Mega blog will follow! Scrubbed up

19 July 2024

Staging post

NB Briar Rose

We spent last night in London after a Drake Milligan gig, and came up to the boat today. Adrian came via Langley, where his car had been parked, and I came up after work to Milton Keynes. In the evening,

Little Onn

NB Harnser

Last night we ate at the Wharf Tavern at Cholmondeston, it's about 25 years since we have been here when they kindly let us leave our car for a few days in their carpark. Today it says “No overnight parking”.

Farewell Orkney

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

Shetland or Orkney, which of the two did we prefer. Both had their own merits, but for us, Orkney came out on top. Maybe if the weather had been kinder, it may have been Shetland, certainly much more archaeology to

Beware Of Black Jack. 16th July

NB Oleanna

*Tring Reservoirs to Wilstone Visitor Moorings, Aylesbury Arm* Tilly was allowed some shore leave whilst we had breakfast, we reckoned she’d not venture far as the grassy bank alongside Oleanna had plenty to keep her occupied. After an hour or

18 July 2024

My man vanishes.

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

I should have been careful for what I had wished for, what was I saying about my hope for the rain washing those pesky flies from the bodywork? 16th July So it rained heavy overnight, those flies did not wash

It was that man again....

NB What A Lark

So it's been a while since we tied up WaL in Barton Marina, due to a bit of a hectic time at home we extended the stay for a few days more. I'm glad to say we found the marina

Goldstone Bridge

NB Harnser

Another sunny start to the day and we were on the move at 10am with nothing else on the move. A good run to Tyrley locks where a boat was just going up in the first lock. We followed them

Lunch Break. 15th July

NB Oleanna

*Cowroast Marina to Tring Reservoirs, Marsworth* **Goodbye to the lines of boats** Car returned, water filled, Tilly’s pooh box had a refresh, more loads of washing and drying done, we did manage to break into our £5 credit, but have

17 July 2024

Market Drayton

NB Harnser

Last night we ate in the Shroppie Fly, I can’t ever remember eating in there before, last time we visited to eat we walked in and saw what was on offer and left. Its a different ball game now.[[IMG_20240716_201039]][1] We

And the Police arrived by ferry.

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

Oh dear, staying by Stenness Loch, we should have remembered what state MB was in the next morning. Today I noticed those white insect cases on the window again and going outside saw MB covered in those tiny black flies.

Party Time. 13th 14th July

NB Oleanna

*Cowroast Marina* A bus into Aylesbury for a hire car, £100 cheaper for the weekend than from Hemel Hempstead! The washing machine constantly on the go, an extra £5 added to the electric post needing to be used. We both

16 July 2024

Not our day.

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

Well, at least it was nearer to 6 am when the gas ran out this time. The last one on June 21st ran out in the middle of the night! Ian decided not to go out in his underpants, but


NB Harnser

To say it rained yesterday evening and throughout the night would be an understatement, it was raining when we got up but as soon as it cleared we decided to set off, this of course coincided with a boat coming

Life in a cupboard.

NB Herbie

Here's Herbie hiding in the undergrowth about a mile from Banbury in readiness for our surprise attack tomorrow morning, determined to find a town mooring spot before the competition gets there. In the foreground you see a clump of butterbur

Getting Younger By The Hour. 12th July

NB Oleanna

*Berko Visitor Moorings to Cow Roast Marina* Yesterday I thought I’d managed to fend off a migraine, this morning I knew I’d failed. Sadly we needed to keep moving. Dark glasses and a slow pace, aided by hobbling anyway, would

15 July 2024

Collapsed Cave, a chapel, barriers and fossils

NB Free Spirit (Jameisons Afloat)

July 13th Weather was on the turn again, more wet stuff coming our way, blast 'cos the plan was to walk to The Gloup (Old Norse "gluppa" meaning a chasm). It was a collapsed sea-cave separated from the sea by


NB Harnser

We woke to a lovely sunny morning and set off earlier than usual to try to avoid the queues at Cholmondeston Lock, we had already had a couple of boats go by but the first was quite early. Not far

15 July 2024 at 15:59

NB What A Lark

So we left Swarkeston the next morning, hardly any boats if one had passed us at all, we liked the openness, the emptiness and the water and rubbish point! The run along towards Burton was very pleasant even if a

Narrowboat Bathroom Ideas


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 Every bathroom deserves an update or a refresh from time to time – that’s as true on a narrowboat as it is in a home. And sometimes, it can be a question of ripping everything out and starting again.