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Hebden Bridge Pump Out - out of order

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


Start Date6/6/2024, 3:00:00 PM
End DateOngoing
Start LocationPump Out, Br16A, Calder Holmes Park
Ends LocationPump Out, Br16A, Calder Holmes Park
Towpath ClosedNo


Following vandalism of the pump out, our contractors have attended site again today and repaired the facility, this is less than 24 hours after the last repair. This vandalism would appear to have been an attempt to use the facility for free; this action left the facility inoperable. We have limited funds to maintain and repair this facility so if such vandalism occurs again, we may need to remove the facility.

If anyone has any information on the damage that occurred, can they please let us know.


During an inspection of the pump out facility this morning, we found the building has been subject to vandalism again. We found that the padlock to the building had been cut through using a mechanical device and this is the 4th occasion in recent weeks this has happened. In addition, the main control panel for the facility has been tampered with, leaving it in a unsafe / unusable condition. We will be removing the panel to establish what repairs are required or if a replacement is needed, we will update the stoppage notice no later than 25th July once we have time to review the damage. If a new panel is needed, this is likely to take a few weeks to source.

We apologies for this inconvenience; it is a shame that the actions of an individual mean this facility is inoperable. If you have any information regarding the vandalism then please do get in touch.
