Notice Archive /

Bridge 81, Otherton Lane Bridge, Staffs & Worcester Canal

This notice is archived and no longer active.


From Date:08/02/2024 09:00
To Date:13/02/2024 14:06 inclusive
Type:Navigation Closure
Reason:Police Incident
Is the towpath closed?Yes


We've had to close the navigation and towpath at Bridge 81, Otherton Lane Bridge, on the Staffs & Worcester Canal as there has been a bridge strike. There is a significant amount of bricks and debris in the canal, which needs to be removed before we open navigation again. We will arrange for contractors to remove the debris from the canal.

A further update will be provided on Monday 12th February.

Closest waterway:Staffordshire & Worcestershire Cnl
Starts at:Bridge 81 Otherton Lane Bridge
Ends at:Bridge 81 Otherton Lane Bridge
Upstream winding hole:Moat House
Downstream winding hole:Slade Heath