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Navigation Closure : Between Bridge 26, Salwick Bridge & Bridge 25 Wilson's Bridge, Lancaster Canal

This notice is archived and no longer active.


From Date:09/02/2024 14:45
To Date:16/02/2024 16:15 inclusive
Type:Navigation Closure
Is the towpath closed?No


Please be advised there is a windblown tree between Bridge 26, Salwick Bridge and Bridge 25, Wilson's Bridge along the Lancaster Canal blocking navigation.

Contractors have been informed and we anticipate they will be on site to remove the obstruction over the weekend.

Navigation will remain open, however, wide beams will not be able to pass until the tree has been removed

We politely request all narrowboat customers to navigate through the affected area with care.

An update will be provided Monday 12 February

Closest waterway:Lancaster Canal
Starts at:Bridge 26, Salwick Bridge
Ends at:Bridge 25, Wilson's Bridge