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Top Bridge approximately 500m below Pillings Lock - River Soar.

This notice is archived and no longer active.


TypeNavigation Restriction
Start Date1/5/2024, 12:00:00 AM
End Date3/28/2024, 4:53:16 PM
Start LocationRiver Soar
Ends LocationRiver Soar
Towpath ClosedNo


There is a bank slippage at Top Bridge approximately 500m below Pillings Lock on the River Soar.

Flood waters have washed back into the canal and removed 10m of bank as well as encroaching into the towpath.

We advise our customers to take great care when using the towpath and for any possible boat traffic to pass with care whilst investigations are carried out.

We will update this notice on the 12th January or as soon as we have further information.


Remedial works have now been carried out to protect the bank in the short term from further erosion.Further repairs will be required and once we have confirmed dates, a notice will be put on the website.Boaters are asked to continue to proceed with care.


At Top Bridge, approximately 500m below Pillings Lock, on the River Soar there is a bank slippage. The flood waters have washed back into the navigation and removed a 10m section of bank, where the debris is also encroaching on the towpath.

We ask boaters to please pass this section with care while investigations are carried out and caution should also be taken when passing on the towpath.

We will update this notice by the 31st March or as soon as we have further information.


There remains to be a bank slippage at Top Bridge approximately 500m below Pillings Lock on the River Soar.

Flood waters have washed back into the canal and removed 10m of bank as well as encroaching into the towpath.

We advise our customers to take great care when using the towpath and for any possible boat traffic to pass with care whilst investigations are carried out.

We will update this notice by the 31st January or as soon as we have further information.
