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Between Hempole Lane Bridge and Brickhouse Lane Bridge, Tipton, Walsall Canal

This notice is archived and no longer active.


TypeTowpath Closure
Start Date1/29/2024, 7:00:00 AM
End Date3/11/2024, 6:00:00 PM
Start LocationHempole Lane Bridge
Ends LocationBrickhouse Lane Bridge
Towpath ClosedYes


Third party contractors are building a new outfall into the Walsall Canal south of Railway Bridge, Hempole Lane as part of the West Midland Metro extension.

The towpath will need to be closed to allow the construction of the outfall. A diversion route will be in place. Navigation will remain open, but a porta dam will need to be installed in the canal to facilitate the works, which will reduce the width of the navigation, allowing single way traffic. Signage and banksmen will be present.

The towpath closure will take place from Monday 29th January to Monday 11th March.