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Towpath Open: Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge to Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock, Macclesfield Canal

This notice is archived and no longer active.


Start Date12/13/2023, 9:00:00 AM
End Date2/23/2024, 3:00:00 PM
Start LocationBridge 87, Kent Green Bridge
Ends LocationLock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock
Towpath ClosedNo


Please be advised navigation is currently closed between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Bridge 89, Morris Bridge on the Macclesfield Canal due to a suspected culvert failure south of Bridge 87 in Scholar Green.

Our teams are currently on site and in the process of installing dams to facilitate a thorough inspection of the culvert.

A further update will be provided this afternoon, Wednesday 13 December.


We are pleased to advise the repair work to the towpath has now been completed, the towpath is back open between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock on the Macclesfield Canal.


We are pleased to advise the repair work to the culvert located in between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock on the Macclesfield Canal has been successful, and navigation has resumed.

Whilst navigation has resumed, the towpath will remain closed as additional grouting works are required before our contractors can reinstate the towpath.

A further update will be provided Thursday 7 March.


We are pleased to advise the works have progressed well to the culvert located in between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock on the Macclesfield Canal.

This week our contractors have successfully re-lined the culvert and the adjacent manhole, followed by the removal of the temporary access ramps required for the repair.

Further grouting works to the canal bed are being conducted, once finished we will rewater the canal on Thursday 15 February, and our engineers will then monitor for any leakage.

Providing we have satisfactory test results and no further leakage, we're hopeful to be in a position to remove the dams on the morning of Friday 16 February, with navigation resuming in the late afternoon.

A further update will be provided the afternoon of Friday 16 February.


Our contractors have now successfully cleared silt from the site, this has allowed our teams to complete the necessary investigations of the culvert located in between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock on the Macclesfield Canal.

We will be undertaking works to re-line the culvert and the adjacent manhole to prevent leakage from the canal, the specialist materials required have been ordered and are scheduled to arrive next week, with work commencing from Monday 5 February.

We anticipate in the coming weeks a temporary ramp will be constructed to allow us to mobilise an excavator to facilitate the canal bed repairs.

Additional repairs to the towpath are required which will be carried out once the canal has been re-filled and the dams are removed, the towpath will remain closed until these works are completed.

A further update will be provided Wednesday 14 February.


Our works to facilitate necessary investigations are progressing well at the culvert in between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock.

We anticipate the preliminary works to clear and inspect the culvert will be completed by the end of the week. In addition, our contractors will be conducting various CCTV investigations for which we will need to await the results of, the results will assist our engineers in establishing a suitable methodology for a permanent repair.

Whilst we're not in a position to provide a timeframe for this closure, the work at this location is extensive as it includes repairs to the culvert, washwall and canal bed, as soon as we've identified the full extent of the repairs required we'll be able to communicate a date when reopening will be possible.

The towpath will remain closed until the works are complete as we will be completing the reinstatement works to the surrounding areas.

A further progress update will be provided Wednesday 31 January.


Please be advised that we're now in a position where we can safely remove the stop planks at Bridge 85, Simpsons Bridge on the Macclesfield Canal.

The stop planks will be removed from navigation by 12 noon on Friday 5 January and will not be reinstated.

Navigation will remain closed from Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge to Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock, as dams are in place to allow our contractors to continue with preparation works for future investigations of the culvert.

A further update will be provided Wednesday 10 January.


Please be advised the canal will remain closed with stop planks in place between Bridge 85, Simpsons Bridge, and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock due to further leakage at the culvert south of Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge, on the Macclesfield Canal.

Our contractors will be on site this week to undertake preparation works which will include clearing the debris from within the culvert. Once these works are completed further investigations are required to the identify integrity of the culvert.

We anticipate these investigations to take place on Tuesday 9 January.

A further update will be provided Wednesday 10 January.


Today, the dams have been reinstated due to further leakage. As a precaution the towpath has been closed.

We will provide an update on Tuesday 2nd January.


We would like to provide an update on the repair works at the culvert south of Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge, on the Macclesfield Canal.

While the repair works have been progressing well, further residual leaks have been identified at the site. To accommodate our boating customers during the festive season, we have organised a plan to ensure passage through the canal before Christmas.

Passage Arrangements:

On Thursday, 21 December, at 10:00am the stop planks will be temporarily removed, allowing passage through the canal.

The canal will remain open until Friday, 22 December, at 1:00pm.

At 1:00pm on Friday, 22 December, stop planks will be reinstalled, and the canal will be closed to facilitate necessary grouting works.

The canal will remain closed with stop planks in place between Bridge 85, Simpsons Bridge, and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock from 1:00pm on Friday, 22 December 22 through until the new year where we'll aim to provide another window of passage.

The towpath locally to the working area will be closed, with a short diversion route available between the narrowing's at the former Bridge 88 and Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge.

We understand the importance of keeping navigation open, especially during the festive season, and we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continued cooperation during this temporary closure.

A further update on the progress and additional windows of passage will be provided on Tuesday 2 January.


Please be advised, whilst the repair works have been progressing well to the culvert south of Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge on the Macclesfield Canal we have identified a residual leak at the site.

To allow our contractors facilitate necessary grouting works in the coming days and to ensure a safe working environment, the canal will remain closed with stop planks in place between Bridge 85, Simpsons Bridge and Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock.

The towpath will remain closed locally to the working area with a short diversion route available between the narrowing's at the former Bridge 88 and Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge.

A further update will be provided by Friday 22 December.


Over the weekend our contractors started with the repair work to the culvert south of Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge on the Macclesfield Canal.

Works progressed well on Friday the void within the towpath was repaired. Following which our contractors completed work to the canal bed on Saturday. Grouting was undertaken around the affected area on Sunday. Further work will continue this week and upon till Friday to reinstate the towpath.

Our engineers and contractors will carry out testing later this week to establish if the repair work to the canal bed was successful.

We are pleased to advise navigation can resume between Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock and Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Bridge 89, Morris Bridge to Lock 12, Bosley Bottom Lock, as water levels have now stabilised.

However, for the safety of our customers and to ensure a safe working environment, the canal and towpath will remain closed between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Bridge 89, Morris Bridge.

A further update will be provided by Wednesday 20 December.


Our teams arrived onsite this morning to a significant leak through a culvert south of Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge on the Macclesfield Canal.

We commenced with the installation of stop planks between Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock and Bridge 85, Simpsons Bridge to prevent a further loss of water and stabilise the water levels within the canal.

Following the installation of the stop planks we placed temporary sheeting in the canal bed over the affected culvert, which has significantly reduced the flow of water escaping through the culvert.

Our contractors arrived onsite this afternoon to install dams closer to the affected area, along with an over pumping system to maintain the water levels in the surrounding area, this work will continue through the evening. A fish rescue will be carried out as soon as possible which will allow us to dewater the affected section so our engineers can inspect the culvert.

For the safety of our customers and to ensure a safe working environment, navigation is closed between Lock 13, Hall Green Stop Lock and Lock 12, Bosley Bottom Lock, this is to reduce fluctuation of the water levels within the pound.

The towpath has also been closed between Bridge 87, Kent Green Bridge and Bridge 89, Morris Bridge.

We'd like to thank our customer for their understanding and co-operation whilst we undertake these works.

A further update will be provided Monday 18 December.
