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Winter Opening Times, Blackburn Lock Flight, Leeds & Liverpool Canal

This notice is archived and no longer active.


TypeOpening Times
Start Date11/1/2023, 8:00:00 AM
End Date3/25/2024, 8:00:00 AM
Start LocationLock 52, Top Lock
Ends LocationLock 57, Bottom Lock
Towpath ClosedNo


Please be advised the following daily opening times will be implemented between Lock 57, Bottom Lock and Lock 52, Top Lock, Blackburn Lock Flight on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal to reduce the risk of vandalism which will help our team manage the water levels in the local area.

  • Open at 8am, close at 2pm. Last entry at 1pm.

The above locks will be padlocked closed outside of these times.

Please note, this is not an assisted passage. If you experience any issues whilst on the flight, please call our North West Customer Support Team on 0303 040 4040.