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Bridge 218 Moss swing bridge

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


Start Date5/5/2023, 7:00:00 AM
End DateOngoing
Start LocationBridge 218, Moss Swing Bridge
Ends LocationBridge 218, Moss Swing Bridge
Towpath ClosedNo


Moss Swing Bridge is a third party owned swing bridge replacing the old third party owned swing bridge at this location.

The bridge is owned by Rodley Bridge Management Company with a 24hr number of 0800 0114 074

The bridge is manually operated via a gearing mechanism. It is important to follow the operating instructions displayed on site.

Failure to follow the instructions and fully open the bridge, via the handwheels, may result in damage to your boat.


A QR code has been placed at the bridge which links to a video showing the correct way to open and close the bridge.
