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Boats advised of non operation of propellers 50m upstream from Lock 20 east over repairs

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


Start Date7/1/2022, 8:00:00 AM
End DateOngoing
Start LocationLock 20 East, Spot Lock
Ends LocationLock 21 East, Waterside Lock
Towpath ClosedNo


The temporary repair to the culvert included the placement of a weighted sheet on the canal bed and to help prevent the risk of this repair becoming damaged, we kindly ask that any boats navigating over the repaired section do so in neutral and drift over the sheet without operating the propeller.

This repaired section is approx 50m upstream of Lock 20E and is marked by orange fencing on both the offside and towpath side of the canal, in addition to sand bags.

We thank you for your support.