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Bridge 3, Well Bridge, Peak Forest Canal

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


From Date:30/10/2020 09:00
To Date:On-going
Is the towpath closed?No


Please be advised a large underwater obstruction has been found on the offside approach to Bridge 3, Well Bridge, travelling from Bridge 2, Dog Lane Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal.

Our teams are looking into ways of safely removing the object from our waterways, however due to its location, this may take some time.

Please navigate the area with care and keep to the towpath side of navigation.

Signage will be put in place to highlight the affected area.

Closest waterway:Peak Forest Canal
Starts at:Bridge 3, Well Bridge
Ends at:Bridge 2, Dog Lane Bridge