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Grand Union Canal - Northampton Arm Lock 17

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


From Date:09/12/2013 16:30
To Date:On-going
Is the towpath closed?No


A Canal & River Trust key is required for entering the Northampton Arm from the River Nene.  A key must be purchased in advance from any of the Waterway offices or online via .

Beware of changes in river levels as you enter the River Nene.  For further information, please contact the Environment Agency Floodline on 0845 9881188

Closest waterway:Northampton Arm (GU Canal)
Starts at:Lock 17
Ends at:Lock 17
Upstream winding hole:Above Lock 17
Downstream winding hole:On the River Nene