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Saul Junction - Elsan - Guidance notes

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


From Date:01/04/2023 08:00
To Date:On-going
Is the towpath closed?No


When using the Elsan, please follow the guidance we have provided on-site and below. We reserve the right to remove this unit from service if it is used inappropriately.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

. Before use, rinse and flush

· Empty cassette

· Rinse and flush again

Please do not flush:

· Sanitary products

· Baby wipes

· Kitchen roll

· Nappies

· Engine oils and grease

· Mop heads

· Keys

· Bricks and rubble

· T-shirts

· Cotton wool

· Sleeping bags

· Tools

Only human waste, toilet tissue and a small amount of your chemicals should be flushed down the Elsan or into your boat’s on-board waste tanks. Everything else can go into a nappy or sanitary bag and then into a bin.

If you require any further information or experience any difficulties using this facility, please contact the Gloucester Dock Office on 01452 318012 or at [email protected]

Thank you.

Closest waterway:Gloucester & Sharpness Canal
Starts at:Saul Sanitary Station
Ends at:Saul Sanitary Station