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Volunteer lock keepers on the Rochdale canal

This is a live notice. Please check the Canal & River Trust website for the latest information. View on Canal & River Trust website.


Start Date2/8/2018, 10:00:00 AM
End DateOngoing
Start LocationLock 92 Castlefield
Ends LocationLock 65 Alfred Street
Towpath ClosedNo


Canal & River Trust has a number of volunteer lock keepers working on the Rochdale Canal Manchester 9 and the Manchester 18, between Lock 65 at Failsworth and Lock 92 at Castlefield. Although booking is no longer required on the flight, it can be hard work and a number of boaters have requested assistance.

The volunteers are happy to help when they can. Their help is given voluntarily so assistance is not guaranteed, but if you would like help call 0303 040 4040 at least 48 hours before your planned passage (longer if possible) and we will try to arrange this with the volunteers.

The lock keepers have all trained with the Trust and have excellent local knowledge which can really add to your experience of the flight.

Please call us if you want to look into this, the more notice the better.

While assistance cannot be guaranteed the volunteers are committed to helping where they can.